4. Offices in Turning Torso

Information about offices in Turning Torso.

The two lowest cubes in Turning Torso, cube 1 and 2, consists of office areas. The area per floor is approximately 400 m² and the total office area is estimated to 4.200 m². There is a separate entrence for the office part and there are two elevators only for employers and visitors to the offices is in the house.

The rent is said to be about 2.400 swedish crowns (240 euro) per m² – it´s about 15-20% above avarage in the better locations in Malmö.

HSB in Malmö has its head office in Turning Torso. It’s half of the area of the office area in the house. They are situated on floor 1 to 5.

Office in Turning Torso

Offices in Turning Torso

Area: appr. 4 000 m²
Location; in cube 1 and 2
The offices has a separate entrence
Elevators: 2 elevators for the offices only